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The 5 Best Flowers For FarmVille

A few things to note before hand are that first for all flowers crops you receive an award of 2 XP points for plowing and also that by harvesting plants you can get ribbons. For example the easiest ribbon to get would be the yellow ribbon and for this you will need to harvest 30 flowers and the rewards that you will have are 25 XP points and 500 coins ALSO if you were to share this with your friends they would get 50 coins. On the other hand the most expensive ribbon would be the blue ribbon which needs 12,500 flowers to harvest. The rewards what you will have are 250 XP points and 10,000 coins and if you share this with your friends than they get 500 coins as well.
The first and in my opinion the best flower crop on FarmVille would be the sunflower. It takes a day to harvest and costs around 150 to harvest but in return you get 315 coins which gives a profit of 160 coins for each field of sunflowers. The second flower would be Lilies. They take a day to harvest and cost 210 coins to harvest but in return you get 369 coins which gives a profit of 159 coins per field. The last flower that will take a day to harvest is red tulips which will costs round 90 coins to harvest and once harvested you will get around 159 coins in return giving you a profit of 69 coins per field. The fourth best flower crop to plant would be the lavender which is also the highest profit return per field but also takes a longer period of time to be ready for harvest. It takes two days to be ready for harvest and will cost around 175 coins to harvest and will give back 384 coins which adds up to around 209 coins profit per field.
The main reason why I think that sunflowers are better than lavender is that sunflowers take half the time to be ready for harvest than lavender. Also if you were to harvest sunflowers for two days (the amount of time it takes lavender to harvest) then the profit per field you would get from sun flowers would be 330 coins whereas lavender will only be 209 coins. The final flower crop would be pink roses. These take 2 days to harvest and cost around 135 coins to prepare for harvesting and give a return amount of 254 coins this gives a profit per field of 119 coins.

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