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How to Get FarmVille Dollars

Having FarmVille dollars is essential to progressing in FarmVille the Facebook game. The game is pretty self-explanatory to a certain degree it is also to some extent instinctive but one thing I have found that many people find difficult is obtaining FarmVille dollars. You will receive coins from harvesting crops and then selling them and the same is done through harvesting fruit and vegetables.
In order to get the infamous Farm dollars you will need access to the following; a computer, Facebook and the Facebook game FarmVille. Below I will tell you four possible ways in order to get FarmVille dollars.
The first way is through moving up levels in FarmVille and for every level up you will receive one free Farm Dollar (FV). These can be gained every time you level up on the game. One way to level up quickly is to plan and harvest a crop that grows really quickly. One such crop could be soy beans. They grow really fast and so can be collected and harvested really quickly. An effective method would be to plant many of these at the same time that way there will be more experience points when it comes round to harvest it all.
The second and simpler way to get Farm dollars would be to check on your FarmVille friends' farm and help them every day this will also give you experience points. This method is more effective with the more friends you have. Also you should accept and send as many mystery gifts as possible. Again this will give you experience points and help you towards levelling up.
The third way to get Farm dollars is through buying them with your own money (real money). The way to do this would be to click on "Add farm coins and cash" which is located on the top navigation bar of your FarmVille screen. After doing this a pop up will appear and it will allow you to pick the amount of Farm dollars you wish to purchase. The best value in my opinion is 310 Farm dollars. You will pay the money through PayPal or via a Credit Card. In my opinion you should not do it this way as well what is the point in spending real money for something which is essentially useless.
The fourth and final way I will be discussing is through earning ribbons. You will get a Farm dollar for every category you have a ribbon in and NOT I repeat NOT for each ribbon you have earned, many people make this mistake. For example if you have 12 Farm dollars and have received a ribbon in 13 categories and have 21 ribbons in total.
To see all the possible ribbons you can get and what you need to do to earn them click on the bottom right of the FarmVille screen on the ribbon icon. Click the next ribbon icon after clicking on the first blue one. And there you will see all the possible ribbons you can achieve,
I hope this helped!

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